June 02, 2010 08:08 JST (22年06月02日08時08分JST):
CNBC: I was looking for KKXG Inside US Theaters, but the Memorial Day Box Office Take Tanked.....And Tanked Huge (Worst Since 2001)
CNBC's Erin Burnett and Julia Boorstin keeping their fingers crossed as viewers for some kind of breakthrough inside the US movie industry, an industry notorious for creating small fortunes, starting with big ones (Mel Simon). However, KKXG which is dedicated to SHAKU YUMIKO (釈由美子) and KYLIE MINOGUE (カイリー・ミノーグ) is now on The Amazon Kindle (for only $9.88) and there it is.
US Memorial Day weekend box office hit $186 million, the lowest total since 2001, reports CNBC's Julia Boorstin. (Source: CNBC, and provided by CNBC Television; Running Time 02:06).
Captain Yuriko Kumage - The Defender of Finance (sixth article June 02, 2010 08:08 JST)