Saturday, June 5, 2010

BLOOMBERG: Betty Liu to Warren Buffett -- You Sit There and Take This Last Question, My Darling Warren Buffett! Terrific Moment Before The Grilling!

June 05, 2010 08:08 JST (22年06月05日08時08分JST):

BLOOMBERG: Betty Liu to Warren Buffett -- You Sit There and Take This Last Question, My Darling Warren Buffett! Terrific Bloomberg Moment Before The Buffett Grilling!
I can't let this get away. Before his testimony at Wednesday's Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in New York on June 02, 2010 EDT, Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, granted air-time and questions to America's press. During that time, he gave CNBC's Becky Quick more than thirteen (13) minutes, but afterward at 11:20 AM EDT, he offered Bloomberg's Betty Liu only three (3) minutes and twenty-three (23) seconds....that's right 13+ vs. 3+. However, before the Bloomberg interview started, the microphone was on and it sounded like he said "it's going to be close" on live television. Nevertheless, at 03:00 into the interview, Buffett tried to get away from Betty; therefore, she pulled her hand out and gestured to him that he better sit there or else. And Buffett did exactly that---he sat there and paid attention to her....look at his reaction! Magnificent! It's reported that Mr. Buffett has written letters to The White House recommending US citizenship for friends, business colleagues, and those that deserve it...or have earned it.

Buffett tries to escape from Betty Liu at 03:00. She stopped him. (Source: Bloomberg, and provided by Bloomberg Television; Running Time 03:23).

Captain Yuriko Kumage - The Defender of Finance (seventh article June 05, 2010 08:08 JST)