September 01, 2010 08:08 JST (22年09月01日08時08分JST):
BLOOMBERG: Steve Wozniak Discusses Patent Issues with Scarlet Fu (Anchor) in Accordance with Paul Allen vs. Silicon Valley!!
September 01, 2010
Scarlet Fu, anchor of Bloomberg Television (NY) whom was filling in for Margaret Brennan, had a super interview with Apple Inc. co-founder, Steve Wozniak, on August 30, 2010 at 11:41 AM EDT, concerning the patent infringement case known---ironically---as "Allen vs. Silicon Valley" (アランさん対シリコンバレーです。). The case number is 2:10-cv-01385; Interval Licensing LLC, vs. AOL Inc., Apple Inc., eBay Inc., Facebook Inc., Google Inc., Netflix Inc., Office Depot Inc., OfficeMax Inc., Staples Inc., Yahoo! Inc., and YouTube LLC. The juridiction is currently in The United States District Court of The Western District of Washington at Seattle. YouTube LLC is owned and operated by Google Inc. Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, is representing the patents which he owns under the company called Interval Licensing LLC.
Bloomberg disabled the embedding for the video that presents the interview. The interview was uploaded to one of the defendants, YouTube LLC; however, the company, Bloomberg L.P., has to provide a link by doing so. Make note that YouTube modifies material of a user’s choosing. For more information, please access the following links concerning this patent infringement case below:
BLOOMBERG: Scarlet Fu's Super Interview with Apple Inc.'s co-founder, Steve Wozniak, concerning Allen vs. Silicon Valley. (.mp4)
Paul Allen's complaint against Google, YouTube, and others in Case No. 2:10-cv-01385. (.pdf)
Evidence: (Document 1-1) Page 2 that was last modified on September 27, 1998. (.jpg)
Captain Yuriko Kumage - The Defender of Finance (Eleventh article September 01, 2010 08:08 JST)